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The world looks better...
...when you see it on wheels!
The Sunday Skate @ The Arc, Caledonian University. New time 10.00am-12.30pm, Every Sunday
If for any reason, the Sunday Skate is not on, we will post it here, and on our facebook page.
To be kept up to date will all and any changes please use our contact page to send us your email address so we can add it to our newsletter and you'll never miss out on any skating event news.
Indoor Skate Lessons available at Maccabi Sports Centre, Giffnock! • Use the Contact Page to ask for more information
Training Tips

Once you have learned the basics of rolling along on wheels, there are so many more skills and tricks you can learn, and practice, that can turn your fun leisure activity into a competitive sporting pastime, or an artistic challenge.
Recreational Skating, Fitness, Speed, Freestyle, Slalom, Aristic, Roller Disco, Roller Derby, Roller Hockey and roller sports of many different kinds all become available to you as your skills progress with most sports encouraged as a way to learn as you go and improve your skills at a rapid rate.
Our Sunday morning indoor sessions at the Arc runs skills classes offering informal instruction. It doesn't matter who you are, or how long you have skated, there's always something new to learn.
Pick a skill and we'll help you master it.

Rollerhoc is the easy-play hockey game for skaters and is a form of Non-Contact Floor Hockey, designed for all ages and all skating abilities. There really is no better way to improve your skills than by playing games on your skates, and Rollerhoc is one of the best.
As long as you are able to skate, and stop, then you can play Rollerhoc.
No specialised hockey equipment is required, just skates (inline or quads), a skate or cycle helmet and skate pads. We supply the short (125mm) hockey sticks.
Hire Skates and pads are also available if booked in advance.
Every Wednesday, 8-10pm at Maccabi Sports Centre, Giffnock
See our Rollerhoc page.

The Great Outdoors comes alive when you can see it on wheels!
One of the truly great things about skating is the ability to move around with the freedom of a pedestrian but also at the speed of a cyclist, and this has seen a huge upturn in the number of urban and city skaters who have taken to the streets on skates, either as a form of transport, or just as a means to travel about and see the world from a new perspective.
As well as social skates around the city parks, our speed skating group SCOTIA SKATERS also hold outdoor practice sessions and organise trips to Europe and beyond to experience new types of skating, as well as participating in skating races including The Berlin Skate Marathon.