(The Lochwinnoch Loop)
Previously a popular venue for easy "off the road" skating, sadly the surface has deteriorated in recent years so not such a fun skate these days.
The cycle path at Lochwinnoch was always best for skaters who had taken lessons or had previously skated and could manage the basics of stopping to cope with the entry/exit hill but the rougher surface these days does make it a bit less enjoyable to skate and more suited to those experienced in skating a variety of road conditions.
Some of the roughest stretches had been improved with smooth tarmac, so it was possible to skate to Kilmacolm and back provided you can cross the busy B789 road using the 'green man.' A total return distance just under 26 miles, so it was and possibly could still be a great skating workout.
Still a nice route to cycle, it's maybe best suited to skaters who are used to skating the rough with the smooth these days.
Lochwinnoch Loop (Cycle Path)